Meme Day 3: Favorite Recent Book and Movie

This one doesn’t require a lot of thinking back and brain searching, thank goodness since it’s Sunday!

Your Favorite Recent Book and Your Favorite Recent Movie

This Side of the Grave would definitely be my favorite recent book.  I just finished it last week and I didn’t ever want to put it down.  Jeaniene has created an awesome series with her Night Huntress Series and it has yet to disappoint me.  She is an amazing author, her characters are likable and well-developed and she has a fantastic imagination with her plot lines.  I know she is very popular with several people but if you haven’t given her a try you should start now!  My review for this book is featured HERE.

For favorite recent movie I look at this as being a movie that you haven’t seen before that you just watched recently.  I didn’t take this to me a movie that had just come out in theaters.  So I would have to say Tristan & Isolde.  I have thought about this movie several times since watching it and I already know I want to watch it again.  I loved the story line, the actors, the era the movie depicts, and the fact that it’s a love story without all that corny crap.  Haha.  You can find my review on it HERE.

What is your favorite recent book? What about your favorite recent movie?

10 responses to “Meme Day 3: Favorite Recent Book and Movie

  1. Fav recent movie…got nothing. Been a slow couple of weeks, instead we have watched Psych 🙂

  2. Recent favorite for me is This Side of the Grave as well. Frost is an incredible writer and never disappoints. Night Huntress is easily one of my favorite series and I will never get it.

    Most recent movie I love is Paul. Haven’t wrote my review for it yet, but I love the movie. It had some of my favorite comedians and it was surprisingly heartwarming. Definitely plan on seeing it again 🙂

    • I’ve never even heard of Paul before but after you mentioned this another one of my Twitter friends metioned that she was heading to watch Paul…I will write it down and make sure to watch it!

  3. Does the Sookie Stackhouse series count? LOL…it’s all I’ve been reading lately. I know, I know…shame on me!

    Haven’t seen any new movies lately either. Sheesh I suck!

    • Haha, yes the Sookie Stackhouse series counts. I know that you have already read it but since it’s also your most recent reads we’ll say heck yeah it counts. 😛 Too bad on the movies, it sounds like you and your boyfriend need to have a date night with some movie watching. 🙂

  4. I’ve never read/watched either though I’ve heard of both of them. May put them on my lists after reading your reviews first though lol 🙂

    • Jeaniene Frost’s novels are so much fun to read! You should definitely look into them! Tristan & Isold was a lot of fun to watch, it probably depends on what your interests are but you can determine that by checking out the reviews. 😀

  5. I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie, let alone my favorite. Oh wait! I liked RED. Is that what it’s called. The one with Bruce Willis and Helen Miren in it. That was really good.
    As for book…OMG!!! I’ve read Many good books lately. I guess A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang would be right up there. A Lot Like Love by Julie James and Magic on the Hunt by Devon Monk too. Seriously though, I’ve been really lucky with great reads lately. And now that I’ve just admitted that, I am so screwing myself. LOL

    • I do believe that movie is called Red. I really, REALLY want to see that so I need to make sure to put that on my list and check it out. I am glad that you have had such a fantstic streak of good books! I will hope that you didn’t just screw yourself over by saying that…it just means that you have picked some great authors and that peoples suggestions have proved correct! 😀

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