Category Archives: School/Career Update

School/Career Update #3

Well this week has just been nuts.  I had two tests on Monday and the rest of the week I feel has just flown by.  I’m not really sure how to feel about this but I do know that I have 80 posts on Google Reader that I need to get caught up with at some point in time.  I have officially failed this week and keeping up with ANYONE on their blogs!… Continue reading

School/Career Update #2

School is going ok so far this semester.  I’ve been having trouble focusing on my school work and then on top of that I’ve been having trouble focusing on working out to start getting in better shape for my carerr…it’s very frustrating sometimes.  😦  I have my grades so far for my classes… Continue reading

School/Career Update #1

So I’m still not done with Shadowfever (only about 20 pages left) so I decided to write todays post on how school is going and what my next steps in my career are. Thursday’s posting will be Review of Shadowfever and Friday’s posting will be on the Fever Series Review. Continue reading