Category Archives: News


This will be the official last post on Book & Movie Reviews by Deanna. To see my new site go to:



I am so very nervous about this…I hope you all enjoy it! 😀

Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks!!!!

Click HERE for the other thing I talked about!!!

NEWS: Cover Reveal!

Releases: January 1, 2012

My absolute favorite author Delilah Marvelle revealed the new cover for her up-in-coming Rumor Series on HER website.  I am soooooooo flipping excited for this series! I’ve been eating up her books as I can.  The only one I haven’t read is Lord of Pleasure and I’ve been worried knowing that when I finish it I don’t have any of her books waiting for me…yes I know I’m weird.  So now that I know this book is coming out in about 6 months I can read the book and be completely caught up with Mrs. Marvelle’s wonderful work!  I absolutely LOVE this cover!  It’s smoking hot, hot, HOT!  😀 


London and New York City in 1830 is about to collide in the sexiest of ways in this new series as the lines between the British Aristocracy and the American Five Points are blurred to make way for forbidden passion and love.

Roderick Gideon Tremayne, the recently appointed Duke of Wentworth,  never expected to find himself in New York City, tracking down a mysterious map important to his late mother. And he certainly never expected to be injured, only to wake up with no memory of who he is.  But when he sees the fiery-haired beauty who’s taken it upon herself to rescue him,  suddenly his memory is the last thing on his mind.

Georgia Milton, the young head of New York’s notorious Forty Thieves,  feels responsible for the man who was trying to save her reticule from a thief, only to get injured.  But she’s not prepared for the fierce passion he ignites within her.  When his memory begins to return,  her whole world is threatened,  and Roderick must choose between the life he forgot and the life he never knew existed.

Exciting huh??!! I know I’m excited.  😀  If you’ve never checked out one of Delilah’s novels you MUST pick one up!  They are fantastic.  😀

I’m BACK! :-)

Hello All,

So happy to say that I am back and in action!  🙂  I appreciate everyone’s understand with school coming first in my life.  The oral final for Anatomy & Physiology went fabulous on Friday and I got out with a 93.25% which means a big fat AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!  😀  I’m still very excited about this.  It was very nerve wracking but I had the best group in the world and they made things so much better.  I was sick to my stomach before it started but after my first round of talking I really relaxed and was able to really enjoy the process.

I have two finals left, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday and then I’m done for the semester!  It’s just crazy.  I’m not as worried about those finals as I was about the oral final so I just feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me.  I can get back into the swing of reading books like crazy and checking everyones blog!  Tonight’s plan is to finished Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris and then all day tomorrow will be dedicated to trying to catch up on everyone’s posts!  I have REALLY MISSED YOU ALL!!!!

Posts for this week:
Sunday: Mother’s Day short post
Monday: Some fun for the week post
Tuesday: Dead and Gone Review
Wednesday: Semesters over celebration
Thursday: Dead Reckoning Review
Friday: The Expendables Movie Review
Saturday: Weekly Update

M.I.A For a Week…

Hello All, so this is my big announcement that I’ll be gone for about a week.  I will try to stay in touch through twitter and I know that I’ll have a few posts up next week (that I’ll be working on this weekend).  I have a huge, and I do mean HUGE, final coming up Friday, May 6th that I will be studying for.  It’s an oral final for Anatomy & Physiology that is an oral final.  😦  It’s 3 whole hours with 6 other class mates and the teacher.  We are asked questions from the entire semester that we must be able to explain AND apply to practical situations.  So I will have lost my mind by the end of this week.  However, I will be in much better spirits where it comes to reading and blogging!  I will really REALLY try to keep up with some of the blog posts but I can’t promise much.  This summer I will be much better at staying on top of reading blogs and such but for this next week my life will include studying with my study group, pulling my hair out, consuming way to much alcohol, having a couple of mental break downs, and consuming more alcohol.  Ok, probably not pulling my hair out.  😛  Tehehe.  See I think my mind is already leaving me!  😦  I’m very sorry to all of my fellow bloggers that I’ve been behind on their blogs already!  I am so far behind and I feel like a terrible blogging friend, but I know school comes first and I’m SOOOOO close to the end I can taste it!  So sorry to Smexy Books, Fiction Vixen, That’s What I’m Talking About (Twimom227), My Overstuffed Bookshelf and so many others because I will still be MIA from your site for at least a week longer!

The positive on taking my oral final during dead week is that my finals week will only consist of two finals that aren’t that big…so for right now I am keeping that in mind and trying to remember the positives so I don’t start my mental breakdown till maybe the night before the final.  LOL.  🙂

I love you all and can’t wait to get back to my reading and blogging!  I’m also looking forward to a HUGE reveal on my site taking place MAY 23!!!!!  This is also keeping me going and I can’t wait to share the news with EVERYONE. 😀

Reading/Movie Meme for April

So I saw months ago a few blogs doing this fun Reading Meme and I decided that since it was a 30 day thing I would wait until a month with 30 days to do it myself.  So I have decided to do this in April only my little twist on it is that I am also incorporating movies into it just for my own little twist.  I am really planning on only answering the questions with one book answer and one movie answer a day, maybe listing a couple runner-ups….

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REMINDER – The Sookie Stackhouse Read Along Discussion (news)

I know, I know, you are all getting very annoyed with my repeated reminders of the discussion taking place THIS Sunday (Feburary 27th) here at my blog for the first Sookie Stackhouse book, Dead Until Dark.  I am very excited and so is Jen to get this series read along kicked off.  I have already noticed something that I either a) didn’t notice the first time around or b) in my crazyness of reading the books so fast completely forgot.  I am excited to have reread this book and look forward to having others to discuss the book with and ask questions!

The discussion is a come and go as you please.  If you want to jump on write down your ideas and then go that is fine, if you want to stay on my blog all day then go right ahead!  LOL.  The only rule is that we only discuss Dead Until Dark since I don’t want any spoilers for those who have not read the other books yet!

I hope to see you there!  🙂

News – Read Along Reminder & Movies

Hello all! This weeks news posting will consist of a couple things.  One of them being a reminder about the Sookie Stackhouse Read Along that starts up next week! (I can’t believe we are already half way through February).  The other part being a movie oddity that I see every once in a while and wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention/see if anyone else notices these things.

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News: Up-coming Movies

So again related to the Superbowl…while watching all the fantastic commercials there were also several, and I do mean SEVERAL, movie trailers.  So I decided to share the movies that I really want to see.  I am one of those people who takes myself on dates.  Yep, I go to the movies by myself!  Sometimes it’s just a nice get away from the real world and you don’t feel like you have to entertain anyone else…so here are the movies that are on my must see list!

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News – Sookie Stackhouse Read-a-Long

Since the 11th Sookie Stackhouse Novel by Charlaine Harris is being released in May and her fans have been waiting a YEAR for it’s release I started to think that I should re-read all of the books.  With 10 Novels out and a HBO show that spins off the books, I decided I needed a refresher of everything that has happened in the books and remember which books they happened in. Jen D found out what I was thinking about doing and the next thing we knew we decided to host discussions so we cold share ideas, things we loved and things that disappointed us. Continue reading