Category Archives: Randomness

Bookfessions #2

Thanks again Bookfessions for this awesome images that speak to the heart and mind of any obsessive reader out there! 😀

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Bookfessions #1

Just this past week on twitter I noticed Amy J with My Overstuffed Bookshelf posting pictures of Bookfessions from tumbler.  I started to check them out and loved many of them so I decided that on Sunday’s for my randomness post I would pick ones that pertained to me personally and explain why they speak my mind.  I am starting to read these bookfessions from number 1 on so I hope you enjoy them!

Thank you BOOKFESSIONS for posting these awesome graphics! 😀

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THE SEMESTER IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!  Woohoo!  I finished my last final of this Spring 2011 Semester at 12:15 pm…I am done done done!  I believe my grades will end up:

A in Anatomy & Physiology
A in Equine Reproduction
C in Intro to Organic and Biochemistry

I’m ok with the C because the other two classes even that out!  So now I get to enjoy my summer not having to worry about homework or studying for classes or going to class…I get to have some peace and quite time to just enjoy some me time and READ, READ, READ!  So I’d say that’s reason to party, right?!  😀

Happy Mother’s Day!

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!  I hope everyone has an awesome day celebrating your Mother and what she has given you in this life!  I also hope that all you Mother’s out there are receiving some wonderful gifts and love from your family in celebration of all you do year-round for your families!

My Happy Mother’s Day goes out to my wonderful Mother who has been there for me through all of my ups and downs.  I also want to celebrate all Mother’s out there from the Mother’s who can be their for their children on a daily basis, to the Mother’s who have lost a pregnancy or a child.  I want to celebrate the women who have given up their babies for adoption.  You might be a Birthmom but you are a Mother in my eyes.  I know that I am a Birthmom so it might be easier for me to say this but Birthmom’s have made a sacrifice and have placed their babies needs before their own.  For whatever reason it just wasn’t right for the baby to stay with their Birthmom at the time and I have complete respect for their decision.  I want to celebrate the adoptive Mother’s as well!  You chose adoption for whatever reason and for that you chose to bring a child that might not be yours by blood into your family and raise it with all of the love in the world and that right there makes you amazing! 

Every Mother in every capacity who has love for their children to put their needs first is an amazing woman and deserves to be recognized year round!  😀

Randomness – AMAZING!!!!

Ok so this is a short post for today but one of my coworkers showed me this amazing video and I just HAD to share it with all of you!  This dude is amazing!!!!!!!  He makes all of the sounds of the song with his own voice.  Could you imagine having to sit there through this entire song just doing the bass part and then move on to do the entire song just doing the next instrument and on and on until you could put them all together to do the entire song?!  He is really good too in all of it.  PLEASE watch to the end because he shows how he made the song…just a short version of it.  Also his faces are just great!  🙂

Have an awesome Thursday everyone!!!

St. Patricks Day 2011

A very happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone! I know this is a little late but I still wanted to wish you all a fabulous day!  I also thought it would be fun to give everyone a little history on why this Day came to be and who St. Patrick really was.  I’ve heard several people ask about this and why it is celebrated in the first place so here is what I have found out…

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Randomness – Daughters of the Moon

So last night I had to help my parents move my Sisters stuff back into her room. Long story short, they had to replace her carpet which meant moving everything out of her room.  While moving stuff back I came upon a book series that I had lent her about 8 or so years ago that I absolutely loved. Since I know my sister is not a huge reader I decided to take them back so I could reread them…

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Randomness – It’s Reading Day + New Books

So as most of you know today is the official release of book 5 in the Night Huntress Series starring our beloved couple Bones and Cat.  I have to say I will not be spending my time reading this today or tomorrow since I am reading Dead Until Dark by Charliane Harris for the discussion this Sunday but I am still going to purchase it along with Bonded by Blood.  I also bought a few books at Target last night so I just decided to share with you the newest books to grace my book shelf…

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Randomness – Flash Cards & Wins

Since I have not been able to finish reading the 3rd novella in my anthology yet to write a review for today I wanted to share an idea I had plus the four giveaways I’ve won so far.  I am in aw of how many acronyms people use in the book blogging world and how many giveaways occur but I wanted to just do a fun little post for today!  Enjoy… Continue reading

Randomness – Super Bowl

Super Bowl 2011 occurs this evening and many people are getting hyped up for it.  There are people planning huge parties, heading to their local sports bars, tweeting about it, Facebooking about it, and just overall going crazy about this huge even that occurs in the NHL world.  I am an exception to those crazy people (if you are one of them, being crazy is never a bad thing!) The only thing I look forward to are the commercials! Continue reading