Bookfessions #1

Just this past week on twitter I noticed Amy J with My Overstuffed Bookshelf posting pictures of Bookfessions from tumbler.  I started to check them out and loved many of them so I decided that on Sunday’s for my randomness post I would pick ones that pertained to me personally and explain why they speak my mind.  I am starting to read these bookfessions from number 1 on so I hope you enjoy them!

Thank you BOOKFESSIONS for posting these awesome graphics! 😀

This is so true for me.  I buy books for my son and I feel so thankful when his parents read to him because I’m hoping that all of this reading now will take hold of him and he’ll continue doing it for the rest of his life.  I love reading, obviously, and the fact that you can go to so many different worlds through reading and it really stimulates your imagination and brings joy to your life…I hope my kids will see that and take advantage of it.

Yeah this is me…a bookstore also includes when I walk down the book aisle at Target!  If I step foot in that area I know automatically that I will be walking out with at least one book in a target bag!  It’s like an addiction…but I guess I could be addicted to something worse so I’ll stick with paperbacks! 😛

Guilty as charged! Yep, I grow bonds with my characters and sometimes start feeling the same way they do.  When they are mad I get mad, when they feel happy I feel happy and when they are having a good time I’m having a good time.  I also have book “boyfriends” when I fall in love with a male character that is just irresistible!

Yes, yes, I do this! As much as I love hanging out with my friends sometimes (a lot of times really) I’m reading a book I just can’t set down and I’m enjoying the movie my imagination is playing that I just don’t want to be bothered.  I don’t want to hang out with friends, I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to text I just want to stay home curled up in nice silence reading!  So yes, I’ve done this several times and I’m sure I’ll do it several more times. 😀

I hope you all enjoyed this Sunday randomness post!  I hope you have all been having a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you soon. 😀

6 responses to “Bookfessions #1

  1. Really great post! Hope to see more of this in the future 😀 I would have to agree with you on all of them except number 6 I have still yet to miss class or cancel on people just so I can read whether it’s a new book or not but I have plans to try and do this in the next year or so! How anti-social are we? lol!

    • LOL. Well I don’t skip class or cancel plans…but if a friend impromptu calls me out of the blue and wants to know if I want to hang out and I’m in the middle of reading I will tell them that I’m very tired and have to work in the morning so I can’t. Yeah, I’m thinking we are pretty anti-social. LMAO. 😛 Oh well…life could be worse right?!

  2. Thanks for introducing me to this site D.

    • No need to thank me Jen D…I would have never known about it if he weren’t for Amy! I really like them…so yes, keep your eyes peeled the next several weeks because on sunday’s this will be my new posts.

  3. Lol, yes I do confess that i have fallen for a few (make that a lot!) of book characters 😀 And there have been time that I have longed to stay in and read

    • Haha, glad I’m not the only one there! You can’t help but be charmed by the men in books…they are written to make you want to jump their bones if they randomly appeared in real life. LOL. 😀

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